Salut, Suami Istri Ini Rela Hidup Rp 10.000/Hari Demi Beli Rumah
Qiu pun bekerja keras tanpa henti, sementara Hao berhemat habis-habisan mengatur uang rumah tangga. Tak jarang Hao harus meminta sayuran bekas yang tidak laku dari supermarket setempat supaya menghemat uang.
Dana yang dibutuhkan untuk uang muka rumah mereka itu sekitar 100.000 yuan (Rp 200 juta), dan mereka bisa menabung sekitar 3.500 yuan (Rp 7 juta) tiap bulan. Setelah empat tahun lebih akhirnya dana untuk uang muka rumah terkumpul juga.
Tapi ceritanya tak berhenti sampai di situ, rumah baru tidak bisa langsung ditempati dan harus ada sedikit perombakan. Qui memutuskan untuk melakukan renovasi sendiri demi menghemat uang.
Bahkan saat pindahan pun pasangan ini meminta bantuan dari teman-temannya untuk mengangkut perabotan ke dalam rumah. Hati Qui tersentuh atas ketabahan sang istri yang mau melalui suka duka bersama.
Qui pun berniat memberikannya hadiah, yaitu foto-foto mereka berdua sejak pertama kali bertemu yang disusun dalam beberapa bingkai kecil. Setiap fotonya ia sertakan kata-kata yang menyentuh hati istrinya.
Qui juga meminta maaf kepada istrinya karena harus menunggu lama sebelum ia bisa membelikan rumah. Kunci rumah tersebut Qui serahkan kepada istrinya dalam amplop merah berbentuk hati.
Sampai saat ini Qui dan Hao sudah bisa menjalani hidup bahagia bersama di dalam rumah hasil perjuangan keras mereka berdua.
couple in China have reportedly been living on less than five yuan
(S$1) a day for the past four years, in order to save up to buy their
marital home.
In an interview with CCTV, the couple told the touching story of how they met while working in a factory in Baoding. Ms Hao Ranran, from Hebei, fell in love with Mr Qiu Guoying, from Inner Mongolia, when she saw how hardworking and sincere he was.
Colleagues told the programme producers that Mr Qiu is has an extremely good work ethic and that the pair are very sweet together.
Unfortunately, Ms Hao's family did not approve of the relationship as Mr Qiu Guoying was too poor. One day, Mr Qiu called Ms Hao to confess his feelings for her, promising her that he would work very hard to give her a good future.
"From then on, I knew I could never leave his side again," she said in the interview.
The couple was reportedly so poor that they had to borrow a wedding suit and gown when they got married.
Although they lacked money, that did not stop Mr Qiu from wanting to provide his wife with a good home. He promised to give her a home no matter how hard it was going to take.
To do that, the couple promised each other they they would not shop, eat out or go on vacation. After allowing for rent and other necessities, they were left with only five yuan (S$1) a day to survive on.
Mr Qiu reportedly worked non-stop, while his wife tried to save on expenses at home. With tears in her eyes, she recalled how she had to ask for free vegetables from the stall at the market.
The downpayment for their new home was at least 100,000 yuan, and the couple managed to save 3,500 yuan every month for more than three years.
When they finally managed to pay for their new home, Mr Qiu saved on renovation costs by fixing everything up by himself. He also got some friends to help him move furniture into the apartment.
Touched by his wife's patience, Mr Qiu gave his wife a special gift consisting of a series of framed up photographs of them together over the years. With each photograph came a touching message.
He apologised to his wife for making wait for so long and presented the key to her in a heart-shaped envelope.
Moved by how far they had come, the couple then broke down and cried in each other's arms.
In an interview with CCTV, the couple told the touching story of how they met while working in a factory in Baoding. Ms Hao Ranran, from Hebei, fell in love with Mr Qiu Guoying, from Inner Mongolia, when she saw how hardworking and sincere he was.
Colleagues told the programme producers that Mr Qiu is has an extremely good work ethic and that the pair are very sweet together.
Unfortunately, Ms Hao's family did not approve of the relationship as Mr Qiu Guoying was too poor. One day, Mr Qiu called Ms Hao to confess his feelings for her, promising her that he would work very hard to give her a good future.
"From then on, I knew I could never leave his side again," she said in the interview.
The couple was reportedly so poor that they had to borrow a wedding suit and gown when they got married.
Although they lacked money, that did not stop Mr Qiu from wanting to provide his wife with a good home. He promised to give her a home no matter how hard it was going to take.
To do that, the couple promised each other they they would not shop, eat out or go on vacation. After allowing for rent and other necessities, they were left with only five yuan (S$1) a day to survive on.
Mr Qiu reportedly worked non-stop, while his wife tried to save on expenses at home. With tears in her eyes, she recalled how she had to ask for free vegetables from the stall at the market.
The downpayment for their new home was at least 100,000 yuan, and the couple managed to save 3,500 yuan every month for more than three years.
When they finally managed to pay for their new home, Mr Qiu saved on renovation costs by fixing everything up by himself. He also got some friends to help him move furniture into the apartment.
Touched by his wife's patience, Mr Qiu gave his wife a special gift consisting of a series of framed up photographs of them together over the years. With each photograph came a touching message.
He apologised to his wife for making wait for so long and presented the key to her in a heart-shaped envelope.
Moved by how far they had come, the couple then broke down and cried in each other's arms.